samantha bitty (she/her) is Canada’s premier sexual health and consent education drag queen. A long-time community-based practitioner, anti-oppression anti-racism facilitator, public speaker, harm reductionist, media personality, educator, coach, advocate and award winning web show host. 

A quintuple fire sign, daily napper, sexy clown, survivor, sober person, pleasure-seeker, forever learner, and a first generation immigrant/settler of Afro-Caribbean and Northern European descent, samantha’s life work centralizes addressing injustice, erasure, and limiting beliefs.

Miss. bitty is the host of SEXY SEXUAL HEALTH TRIVIA, as well as many other expansive, intersectional, and comprehensive sexual health and consent interventions that deploy games, humour, art and media to push the boundaries of propriety and facilitate entry into challenging conversations. She is known for creating sites of transformation grounded in accessibility, relationality, liberation and joy that prioritize pleasure, racial and disability justice, survivors of gender-based violence, sex positivity, and affirmation of gender and sexuality diversity.

Based on Treaty 13 Territory, samantha is the host of SEX SESSIONS (SliceTV), SEXY SEXUAL HEALTH TRIVIA, is the founder of Inner Development Project and is represented by the National Speakers Bureau. She has developed and facilitated workshops, seminars, and trainings locally, and internationally.

With a long, diverse, and unconventional education/career path, Samantha Viarruel has held many titles.  From customer service agent in a sex toy shop, to catering chef, to abortion counselor, to dive bartender, to nationally recognized relationship expert - using each opportunity to hone her intelligences.  

Samantha was drawn to the field of sexual health, through her own negative experiences of insufficient, and at times harmful, access to education and healthcare.  Vowing to be the person she never had on the other end of young women and people’s engagement with sexual health care, she obtained a volunteership as a Peer Educator at Planned Parenthood Toronto.  

Discovering a passion and talent for connecting with individuals in client-centered, intersectional care, as well as mentoring others to so, she began exploring program development for community health promotion locally and internationally.         

Patterns identified through this work, led her to founding Inner Development Project, a Toronto-based outreach program, facilitating workshops with young women/femme spectrum non-binary youth.  Namely the connection between low self-esteem, challenges with communication in relationships, anxiety, and negative sexual health outcomes; including self-doubt and consent related sexual violence.    

Chronically “not a good fit” in formal institutions, Samantha was pulled away from the clinic/health care sector and into entrepreneurship in a variety of community focused practices aiming to create educational spaces that address injustices, the erasure of communities marginalized by racism, homophobia/transphobia, ableism and classism.  Critical to this work is changing the ways these communities access arts, education and resources, through an emotional intelligences and anti-oppression framework.

Through many iterations, failures, and self-limiting beliefs, Samantha began experimenting with a highly aestheticized, dramatized, comedic (DRAG) version of herself to present her work. Deploying and learning new creative and technical skill sets, this ‘femme armour’ made way for samantha bitty, and she has since been presenting her out-of-the-box (and out-of-pocket), pleasure centered and comprehensive sex education to youth, post secondary and adult audiences across Canada and via virtual means, internationally.

bitty is represented by the National Speakers Bureau, and is a contributor to Global News, Slice, CBC, Best Health, Refinery29, and has been featured in Flare, the Toronto Star, PRIDE Toronto, numerous podcasts, articles and platforms nationally and globally.    

Current projects include: SEXY SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATION - which is comprised of her unique trivia game show, numerous workshops, and a 10 part comprehensive video series directed at a Post-Secondary audience on topics related to sex, dating, body image and mental health in the context of consent culture; SEX SESSIONS - a 10 lesson series on sex and relationships airing across platforms on SLICE TV; Sex Ed - a weekly segment on iHeartRadio Late Show with David Cooper; Inner Development Project - youth focused workshops on a range of topics to strengthen inter and intrapersonal skills.   

Aside from her work as a public speaker/media personality, samantha works as an equity consultant for a range of services industry clients, project manages public artworks, and provides individual and partnered sex/relationship emotional intelligence coaching.

Samantha is a sober person in long-term recovery, a survivor of sexual and gender-based violence, a lifelong learner, and career volunteer.

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